My Map Location Tutorial - Where am I?

If you’re writing an Android App using a MapView, then you will most likely want to view the user’s location. This tutorial will show you how to create an activity that makes use of Android’s built-in MyLocationOverlay class.

Custom Android Tabs

Wanting to change the default TabWidget look and feel for Android? In this tutorial, we will investigate a few different ways to customize your app’s tabs.With Android SDK 1.6 and above, the SDK allows you to set a View as the tab instead of just text and an icon. We use be using that tech...

Android Tabs with interacting map and list views

Last tutorial, we wrote a simple app that displays two interacting list views in a TabActivity. In this tutorial, we will up the ante and add a MapView as the content of one of the tabs. Why again are we using multiple views in an activity instead of using a separate activity for each tab co...

Android TabActivity with two list views

Often times when creating an activity with tabs, it’s easy to have a separate activity for the tab content. However, things get tricky when those activities need to interact with one another. So the solution is to create a tabactivity with views (instead of activities) as the tab content. ...